The Maze Runner movie review

Book adaptations are becoming so frequent recently thanks to teen flicks like Twilight Saga and Hunger Games. I am not into these films with exception of Battle Royale which I consider the first teen flick adaptation that I really like. But it was until The Maze Runner that really got me interested.
Photo courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox

First, there was the mystery. No one knows why the Maze is built. Most of the occupants of the Glade; the only safe area within the Maze; have no memory why are they brought there. It is like there is a higher intelligence that watches them because the Maze is so complex and advance. It reminded me of Lord of The Flies except that it was obvious someone brought them there.

Second, there is an unknown terror. They have obstacles in the Maze and they know they have an unseen adversary that keeps them within the Glade.

I am seeing this story in a logical manner. If a higher intelligence is involved, it can only mean that these kids are being observed for unknown purpose. They are probably like lab rats in a television reality show except that their lives are in danger because of this "Big Brother" who has no value of the lives of the kids in the Glade.

My only observation about the movie was you are not sure what kind of timeline these kids are living. It is definitely not the past because the characters clothing may be too modern. As for what they look like, some of them may look tidy for the duration of time they spent in the Glade. Their hair appeared well groomed and the runner Mihon is well dressed for a person living in seclusion. But there is a monthly rations they were supplied with.

The Maze Runner opens in Philippine cinemas September 17 Release by Twentieth Century Fox and distributed by Warner Bros. For more quality movie reviews, follow this blog or like L.E.N.S. blogs on Facebook.


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